Introducing our Mechanical Software add-on. The Mechanical Utility allows you to create an unlimited amount of fasteners plus much more! Features easy to use menus make drafting quick. Just pick and choose what you need.
Many drafting and Mechanical Utilities are included. Please note: this mechanical module is included in the Full Engineering Suite.

No experience required
Whether you are a novice drafter or experienced engineer, Mech-Q will create professional looking drawings, all at the click of a mouse using a dialog interface.
Our software really does speed up the drawing process. The Mech-Q Mechanical module includes 2D/3D drawing for many different parts (see details of what’s inside below).
Here’s how Mech-Q works:

1.) Click a Mechanical icon (the Bolts dialog for example)
2.) Choose a size, then click Draw (siz is saved for next fitting)
3.) Enter 2 points to rotate and insert the part your done.
Mech-Q will turns monotonous day of drawing into an enjoyable process. ?
It’s sad to think there are literally thousands of CAD users still creating engineering drawings the slow way or fussing with unorganized CAD libraries. Don’t be one of them!
For those without CAD we also want to offer you an all in one CAD and Mech-Q package we call AViCAD.
Fasteners Module
- Bolts and Screws, Hexagon Head Bolts, Socket head, Flat head, Button head, C’Sunk Pan Head, Raised Head Washer Bolts, Shoulder Cap Screws and Studs. Metric & English sizes
- Nuts Regular Hex. Class 9, Thin, Washer and Lock nuts. Metric & English sizes
- Flat Washers
- Spring Washers
- Set screws Cone, Half Dog, Flat and Cup Point. Metric & English sizes
- Dowel & Roll Pins
- Bolt Holes to correspond to Bolts and Screws
- Slotted Holes
- Drilled Holes
- and more…
Bearings & Bearing Housings
Also available separately as Module: MBR01 This includes: Deep Groove Ball, Cylindrical, Self Aligning, Spherical Roller, Thrust, Taper Roller & Y Bearings, Plus: Bearing Housings, Plumber Blocks and Flange Housings
- Auto Shaft Generator Draw: Shafts/Pinions and internal (bore) plus an End view – with all Combinations of shaft steps, chamfers and corner radii.
- Keys & Key Ways Draws Keys/Key ways – Standard or User Specified.
- Internal Chamfer Generator Simply pick the drawn bore end points and the chamfer is drawn, trimming lines automatically.
- External Chamfer Generator By picking the shaft end line the chamfer is drawn – modifying the shaft end entities as required.
- Spur Gears Metric & English sizes.
- and more…
Material Handling Module
This module is of special interest to material handling engineers and drafting specialists. This collection of powerful utilities include:
- Conveyor Rolls & Idlers Utility Various makes, including PROK and PRINCE, (Other makes by request). The utility allows you to draw 3 Roll Troughs, Vee Troughs and Return & Flat Carry Idlers. End, Front and Plan Views for all standard roller diameter, Angles and Belt Width Now also: Suspended Idlers
- Conveyor Chains Links & Sprockets. This routine is based on the RENOLD Conveyor Chains range. It will draw Sprockets Front view, End View and Chain Links. For all common Chain pitch, Break Load (and Number of Teeth)
- Transmission Sprockets Plus Sprocket Design Utility . To ISO 606, 0.375-1.50? pitch. Front and End views: Simplex, Duplex and Triplex Transmission Sprockets – In Steel & Cast Iron Plain/Taper Bore
- Bulk Material Trajectory profile generator. Calculates and draws Bulk Material trajectory envelope for conveyed material as it travels past header pulley.
- and more…
- Our Mechanical Software includes a comprehensive range of mechanical symbols, fasteners, gears, material handling items (conveyor rolls, sprockets, Trajectory calculator..), springs, shafts utility and many more! Most modules draw in 2D or 3D.
Please note: this mechanical module is included in the Full Engineering Suite.
General Drafting Module
Drafting Tools Include:
- Global text manipulation
- Style Changing: a powerful utility to change text from one style (or all styles) to another
- Text Find and Replace: searches for all instances of a nominated text and replaces it as specified
- Text Box: draws a box around selected text line or paragraph
- Width: changes the width factor of selected text
- Scale Globally: changes the height of text to a new height or scaled by a given factor
- Underline
Layer control by pointing to an entity of desired layer
- Locking
- Unlocking
- Freezing
- Isolating: freeze entities on all layers except the entities on the layer selected
- Changing
Mechanical Software – Fasteners Utility
- Bolts and Screws , Hexagon Head Bolts, Socket head, Flat head, Button head, C’Sunk Pan Head, Raised Head Washer Bolts, Shoulder Cap Screws and Studs. Metric & English sizes
- Nuts Regular Hex. Class 9, Thin, Washer and Lock nuts. Metric & English sizes
- Flat Washers
- Spring Washers
- Set screws Cone, Half Dog, Flat and Cup Point. Metric & English sizes
- Dowel & Roll Pins
- Bolt Holes to correspond to Bolts and Screws
- Slotted Holes
- Drilled Holes and more…
Mech-Q Mechanical is an add-on for AutoCAD. It is also available within our CAD standalone called AViCAD. It’s a comprehensive Mechanical drawing module for drawing simple and complex projects.

See also Mech-Q Network Bundle
View other modules included in the Engineering Suite