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Mech-Q is simple to use, easy to install, and efficiently completes the job.

Installing Mech-Q only takes a few minutes. If you run into any problems, we have a troubleshooting video in addition to the 3-minute install video above. Feel free to call us at 888-271-7121 or contact our help desk for more.

** Great news. for a limited time save on Mech-Q Pro (Full Suite). Mech-Q also runs in Bricscad, GstarCAD, AcelliCad, ZWCAD and all other IntelliCAD packages. Price is the same for all products. Mech-Q is also FREE if choosing the AViCAD stand-alone options (shown in blue).

What you will need:

1) AutoCAD or IntelliCAD installed on your system.
(if you do not have CAD installed, please see AViCAD)

2) Then use the form to download Mech-Q. After checking your email – save the Setup to your Downloads, Desktop or My Documents Folder.

Getting started:

1) Close your CAD application and all active programs and windows.
2) Click into the search bar and look for File Explorer.
3) Optionally, you click in the search and type File Explorer and you should see it.
4) Browse to the location where you saved the Setup file.
5) Double-click on the Setup file (ending in .exe).

The installation:

1) Follow the instructions in the splash screens.
2) You can choose either to install the Full Suite or individual modules.
3) Do load any applications until installation completes.

Troubleshooting note:

If Menus and Toolbars are not visible or if Mech-Q fails to load the path for loading Mech-Q menu (after typing MENULOAD) is:


(please copy/paste into box and choose Load as shown in video)

For more troubleshooting info see Troubleshooting Mech-Q. In addition you can also type MQDIAG in the Command Prompt for additional help.

At the end of 30 days you will need to purchase the Mech-Q to continue using it. At the time of purchase, a new permanent key is generated within 24 hours.

Download Mech-Q Today